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Definition of: ice

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(īs) noun
1. Congealed or frozen water; the solid condition assumed by water at or below 32o F. or o° C. ♦ Collateral adjective: glacial.
2. A frozen dessert made without cream, as a sherbet, water ice, or frappé.
3. Something resembling ice in appearance: camphor ice.
4. Frosting or icing for cake.
5. Chilly reserve; a very formal or dignified attitude.
6. Slang A diamond; also, diamonds collectively.
—to break the ice
To break through reserve or formality.
—to cut no ice
U.S. Slang To have no importance.
—on ice
U.S. Slang

1. Set aside or reserved for future action.
2. In prison.
3. Sure; already determined.
v. iced, ic·ing v.t.

1. To cause to freeze; congeal into ice.
2. To cover with ice.
3. To chill with or as with ice.
4. To frost, as cake, with icing.

5. To freeze; congeal into ice.
adjective Made of ice; to be used on ice: ice skates.
[OE īs]

Definition of: ice

Condition, quality, or state of: justice. [<OF -ice <L -itius, -itia, -itium]

Most often used phrases:

ice hockey
professional ice
ice cream
canadian ice
ice dancing
ice shelf
men s ice
national ice
women s ice
ice cube
ice skating
ice rink
junior ice
sea ice
ice arena

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Statistical data

"ice" has the frequency of use of 0.0138% on city-data.com forum

"ice" has the frequency of use of 0.0082% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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