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Definition of: jugular

(jugyə·lər, joomacrgyə-) adjective
1. Anat. Pertaining to the throat or to the jugular vein.
2. Biol. a Situated in front of the pectoral fins, b Having the ventral fins at the throat, as a fish.
noun One of the jugular veins.
[<NL jugularis <L jugulum a collar bone]

Most often used phrases:

jugular foramen
jugular venous
internal jugular
jugular fossa
jugular notch
jugular process
external jugular
jugular ganglion
raised jugular
jugular tubercle
jugular bulb
elevated jugular
jugular nodes
jugular surface
deep jugular

'jugular' used in domains:


Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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