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Definition of: tell

(tel) v. told, tell·ing v.t.
1. To relate in detail; narrate, as a story.
2. To make known by speech or writing; communicate.
3. To make known; reveal; disclose: to tell secrets.
4. To decide; ascertain: I cannot tell who is to blame.
5. To utter; express in words: to tell a lie.
6. To give a command to; bid; order: I told him to go home.
7. To let know; inform.
8. Colloq. To inform or assure emphatically: It's cold out, I tell you!
9. To count; enumerate: to tell one's beads.

10. To give an account or description: usually with of.
11. To disclose something; inform: with on.
12. To serve as indication or evidence: with of: Their rags told of their poverty.
13. To produce a marked effect: Every blow told. See synonyms under AFFIRM, ASSERT, INFORM1, PUBLISH, RELATE, SPEAK.
—all told
Everyone or everything being counted; in all.
—to tell off

1. To count and set apart.
2. Colloq. To reprimand severely.
noun Dial.

1. Something told; story; say.
2. Account; story; explanation: according to his tell.
—to hear tell
Colloq. To hear (something) spoken of: I've heard tell of his accomplishments.
[OE tellan. Akin to TALE, TALK.]

Definition of: Tell

(tel), William
A legendary Swiss hero in the struggle for independence from Austria. He refused to salute the governor's cap, which had been set up as a symbol of Austrian authority, and was forced to shoot an apple off his son's head with bow and arrow.

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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