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Definition of: zone

(zōn) noun
1. One of five divisions of the earth's surface, enclosed between two parallels of latitude and named for the prevailing climate. These are the torrid zone, extending on each side of the equator 23° 27′; the temperate or variable zones, included between the parallels 23° 27′ and 66° 33′ on both sides of the equator; and the frigid zones, within the parallels 66° 33′ and the poles.
2. In war, a region proscribed for neutrals as being within the range of military or naval operations: a defense zone, combat zone; also, any region neutralized by agreement of combatants: a demilitarized zone.
3. Ecol. A belt or area delimited from others by the character of its plant or amimai life, its climate, geological formations, etc.
4. A region of land distinguished or set off by some special characteristic: a canal zone.
5. Anat. A beltlike area distinguished from its surroundings either by structure or appearance.
6. Mineral. Any series of faces upon a crystal whose planes form a prismatic surface.
7. A belt, stripe, etc., distinguished by color or the like, encircling an object.
8. Geom. A portion of the surface of a sphere enclosed between two parallel planes.
9. Originally (now chiefly in poetry), a belt or girdle.
10. The total number of railroad stations situated in a certain area measured from a place whence traffic is shipped; also, a circular area within which a uniform fare is charged by the transportation companies.
11. In the United States parcel post system, any one of the concentric areas within each of which a uniform rate is charged.
12. A postal district in a city.
v.t. zoned, zon·ing

1. To divide into zones; especially, to divide (a city, etc.) into zones which are restricted as to types of construction and activity, as residential, industrial, etc.
2. To encircle with a zone or belt.
3. To mark with or as with zones or stripes. [<MF <L zona <Gk. zōnē a girdle]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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