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Definition of: paddle

(padl) noun
1. A broad–bladed implement resembling a short oar, used without a rowlock in propelling a canoe or small boat.
2. The distance covered during one trip in a canoe over a given time.
3. A paddle board.
4. A straight iron tool for stirring ore in a furnace.
5. A bat or pallet, as used in tempering clay.
6. A scoop for stirring and mixing, as used in glassmaking.
7. A paddle–shaped implement for inflicting bodily punishment.
8. A limb or appendage of service in swimming; a flipper.
9. The snout of the paddlefish.
10. The act of paddling.
11. A flat instrument with which clothes are beaten while being washed in a stream.
v. ·dled, ·dling v.i.

1. To move a canoe, etc., on or through water by means of a paddle; ply a paddle.
2. To row gently or lightly.
3. To swim with short, downward strokes, as ducks do.
4. To play in water with the hands or feet; dabble; wade.

5. To propel by means of a paddle or paddles.
6. To convey by paddling.
7. To beat with a paddle; spank.
8. To stir.
—to paddle one's own canoe
To be independent; get along without help.
[ME padell small spade, prob. var. of patel shallow pan <L patella]

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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