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Definition of: plow

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(plou) noun
1. An implement (usually drawn by horses, or oxen, or by mechanical power) for cutting, turning over, stirring, or breaking up the soil.
2. Any implement that operates like a plow: often in combination: a snowplow; also, any one of various furrowing or grooving tools.
3. Figuratively, agriculture.

1. To turn up the surface of (land) with a plow.
2. To make or form (a furrow, ridge, etc.) by means of a plow.
3. To furrow or score the surface of: Shot plowed the field.
4. To dig out or remove with a plow: with up or out.
5. To move out or cut through (water): to plow the waves.
6. To pluck (def. 7).

7. To turn up soil with a plow.
8. To undergo plowing in a specified way, as land.
9. To move or proceed as a plow does: usually with through or into.
10. To advance laboriously; plod.
—to plow under
U.S. To put from sight by or as by plowing in such a way as to cover with soil; obliterate.
Also spelled plough. [OE ploh]

Definition of: Plow

The group of seven stars commonly called Charles's Wain or the Dipper, sometimes also Ursa Major. Also Plough.

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"plow" has the frequency of use of 0.0007% on city-data.com forum

"plow" has the frequency of use of 0.0001% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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