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Definition of: praise

(prāz) v.t. praised, prais·ing
1. To express approval and commendation of; applaud; eulogize.
2. To express adoration of; glorify (God, etc.).

1. Commendation expressed, as of a person for his virtues, or concerning meritorious actions; utterance of approval; honor given; also, applause.
2. Thanksgiving for blessings conferred; laudation to God; worship expressed in song.
3. The object, ground, reason, or subject of praise. ♦ Homophone: prase. [<OF preisier <LL pretiare prize <L pretium price. See PRICE.]
Synonyms (verb): adore, applaud, approve, bless, celebrate, commend, eulogize, extol, flatter, glorify, honor, laud, magnify, worship. See PUFF. Antonyms: see synonyms for ASPERSE, BLAME. Synonyms (noun): acclaim, acclamation, adulation, applause, approbation, approval, commendation, compliment, encomium, eulogy, flattery, laudation, panegyric, plaudit, sycophancy. Praise is the hearty approval of an individual, or of a multitude considered individually, and is expressed by spoken or written words; applause, the spontaneous outburst of many at once. Applause is expressed by stamping of feet, clapping of hands, waving of handkerchiefs, etc., as well as by the voice; acclamation is the spontaneous and hearty approval of many at once, and strictly by the voice alone. One is chosen moderator by acclamation when he receives a practically unanimous viva voce vote; he could not be nominated by applause. Acclaim is the more poetic term for acclamation; as, a nation's acclaim. Plaudit is a shout of applause, and is commonly used in the plural; as, the plaudits of a throng. Applause is also used in the general sense of praise. Approbation is a milder and more qualified word than praise; praise is always uttered, approbation may be silent. The industry and intelligence of a clerk win his employer's approbation; his decision in a special instance receives his approval. Praise is always understood as genuine and sincere, unless the contrary is expressly stated; compliment is a light form of praise that may or may not be sincere; flattery is often insincere. Compare APPLAUSE, EULOGY. Antonyms: aouse, animadversion, blame, censure, condemnation, contempt, denunciation, disapprobation, disapproval, disparagement, obloquy, reproach, reproof, repudiation, scorn, slander, vilification, vituperation.

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Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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