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Definition of: buck

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(buk) noun
1. The male of certain animals, as of antelopes, deer, goats, rabbits, and rats.
2. A dashing fellow; a young blood.
3. An adult male Negro or Indian.

1. To leap upward suddenly and come down with the legs stiff, as a horse or pack-animal, in an attempt to dislodge rider or burden.
2. U.S. Colloq. To resist stubbornly; object.
3. U.S. Colloq. To move with jerks and jolts: said of vehicles.
4. To provide resistance against which a rivet may be driven or some other pounding or pushing work done.

5. To throw (a rider) by bucking.
6. U.S. Colloq. To butt with the head.
7. U.S. Colloq. To resist stubbornly; oppose.
8. To provide resistance for pounding or pushing (a rivet, etc.).
9. In football, to charge into (the opponent's line) with the ball.
—to buck up
Colloq. To encourage or become encouraged.
[Fusion of OE buc he-goat and bucca male deer]

Definition of: buck

(buk) noun
1. A sawhorse.
2. A padded frame in the shape of a sawhorse, used by gymnasts. [<Du. zaagbok sawbuck]

Definition of: buck

(buk) noun
1. A buckskin, formerly taken as a standard of value by North American Indians.
2. U.S. Slang A dollar.

Definition of: buck

(buk) noun Brit.
Suds or lye, for washing clothes; also, the clothes washed. [<v.]
v.t. Dial. To wash or bleach in lye.
[ME bouken. Akin to LG büken steep in lye]

Definition of: buck

(buk) noun
1. In card games, an object placed before a player as a reminder of his turn to deal.
2. In poker, a marker occasionally put into a jackpot, indicating that he who receives the buck must order another jackpot when it is his deal.
—to pass the buck
U.S. Colloq. To shift responsibility, blame, etc., from oneself to someone else.
[Origin uncertain]

Definition of: Buck

(buk), Dudley,
1839–1909, U.S. composer.
—Pearl S.,

1892–1973, U.S. novelist.

Most often used phrases:

buck owens
buck rogers
young buck
peter buck
joe buck
jack buck
buck henry
buck baker
buck clayton
buck creek
buck williams
buck danny
big buck
buck buchanan
buck ram

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Statistical data

"buck" has the frequency of use of 0.0027% on city-data.com forum

"buck" has the frequency of use of 0.001% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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