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Definition of: cup

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(kup) noun
1. A small open vessel of glass, porcelain, wood, waxed paper, metal, etc., used chiefly for drinking.
2. A cupful; a measure of capacity equal to 8 fluid ounces or 16 tablespoons.
3. The ornamental vessel used in administering the sacramental wine; also, the wine itself.
4. Figuratively, one's lot in life; portion.
5. Intoxicating drink, or the habit of drinking: pleasures of the cup.
6. A prize, usually a vase, or a cup–shaped vessel, contended for in races: the Ascot cup.
7. Med. A cupping glass or vessel for drawing blood.
8. A small hole or cuplike depression in a course; also, a hole especially made in the putting green into which the golf ball is played.
9. Any cup–shaped object: the cup of a flower, an oil cup, etc.
10. The concave part of any drinking vessel having a base and stem.
11. A beverage made of wine, generally iced, with herbs, fruits, and vegetables: claret cup.
12. That curvature of a board or other flat piece of lumber which runs transversely against the rain.
—in one's cups
Intoxicated; also, in the act of drinking.
v.t. cupped, cup·ping

1. To bleed, as by scarification and bringing the blood to the surface under an exhausted cup.
2. To shape like or place in a cup. [OE cuppe <LL cuppa cup, var. of L cupa tub]

Most often used phrases:

world cup
fa cup
cup final
league cup
stanley cup
uefa cup
cup winners
challenge cup
cup finals
european cup
scottish cup
gold cup
grey cup
super cup
winners cup

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Statistical data

"cup" has the frequency of use of 0.0051% on city-data.com forum

"cup" has the frequency of use of 0.0201% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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