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Definition of: Maximilian

(mak′sə·milyən, Ger., Sw. mäk′·si·mēlē·än)
A masculine personal name. Also Sp. Max·i·mi·li·a·no (mäk′sē·mē′lē·änō), Max·i·mi·li·a·nus (Du. mäk′si·mē′lē·änəs, Lat. mak′si·mil′ē·ānəs), Pg. Max·i·mi·li·ão (mäk′·si·mē′lē·oundot), Fr. Max·i·mi·lien (mák·sē·mē·lyandot). [<L, greatest Aemilius]
—Maximilian I,

1459–1519, Holy Roman Emperor 1493–1519,
—Maximilian II,

1527–76, Holy Roman Emperor 1564–76.
—Maximilian (Ferdinand Joseph),

1832–67, archduke of Austria; emperor of Mexico 1864–67; executed.

Most often used phrases:

Maximilian von
emperor Maximilian
prince Maximilian
ludwig Maximilian
Maximilian university
Maximilian schell
Maximilian kolbe
Maximilian prince
Maximilian joseph
king Maximilian
archduke Maximilian
book Maximilian
Maximilian iii
bavaria Maximilian
duke Maximilian

'Maximilian' used in domains:


Statistical data

"Maximilian" has the frequency of use of 0.0003% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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