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Definition of: circle

(sûrkəl) noun
1. A plane figure bounded by a curved line everywhere equally distant from the center; also, the circumference of such a figure.
2. A circular object or arrangement of objects, or whatever is included within it; an enclosure; ring; halo: a circle around the moon.
3. Loosely, a round or spherical body.
4. An association of persons having the same interests or pursuits; a set; class; coterie.
5. A series ending at the starting point; a repeated succession; hence, a completed series or system: the circle of the months.
6. A circular path or course; circuit.
7. An indirect statement; circumlocution.
8. Logic A form of argument in which the conclusion is virtually assumed to prove the premise and vice versa: also called argument in a circle.
9. In some European countries, an administrative governmental district.
10. An astronomical or other instrument whose important parts are graduated circles.
11. A circus ring.
12. A tier of seats or gallery in a theater: the dress circle.
13. A crown; diadem.
14. Astron. The orbit of a heavenly body; formerly, the supposed sphere of a planet or other body.
15. The domain of a special influence.
v. ·cled, ·cling v.t.

1. To enclose with or as with a circle; encompass; surround.
2. To move around, as in a circle: The dog circles the field.

3. To move in a circle; revolve. [<L circulus, dim. of circus ring]

Most often used phrases:

critics circle
full circle
circle award
unit circle
circle awards
stone circle
circle line
perfect circle
magic circle
social circle
red circle
dupont circle
outer circle
literary circle
circle jerks

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Statistical data

"circle" has the frequency of use of 0.004% on city-data.com forum

"circle" has the frequency of use of 0.0038% on en.wikipedia.org.

Phrases starting with the letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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