It means when you say like:
“Oh I’m already her.”
When you meant “Oh I’m already here*.”
You use the * as a misspell checker with the corrected version of the word
* Can be for spell checking or actions in role playing, like, *she walked over to him and touched his arm* “I know what you mean” *as she reached for the knife and stabbed his back*
^^ could either be a perky/happy face (also seen as ^_^ or ^.^) or referencing something previously said or above your writing (Example: that post above me^^)
\\\()/// is a face. It coveys shock/surprise.
@@ or more commonly @_@ is also a face. It could mean a lot of things based on context and who’s using it but mostly means something like annoyance, sleepiness, boredom, or confusion.
They are used when you are reading in Spanish. They mean the same as they would in English, just turned upside down. They are used at the beginning of the word/sentence they are exclaiming or questioning/asking.
Before you ask what something means, you should look at it sideways. Like 😀 is smiling with your mouth open, and :l is expressionless/bored. If you look at things with : and a letter/symbol it’s usually a face, and that you should look at it sideways.
First and last one are controversial. I’m not going to say those. But the middle one is a guy with one large eye, and one small eye.
(O.o) Is used as a form of confusion, or like saying “Woah”
do you know what this means “I’ve heard her during early evening ….Uttering a prayer to the wind, caught in the throes of some otherworldly Angelus. Her whispered invocation proffered to our God of death and birth. I’ve sensed her vexation during the early hours of the night …. As the world lies at twilight’s edge, eagerly she looks up at the ashen sky — while the full moon rising like the sun, watches her slowly coming undone.” ?
This step is followed by a toner that is appropriate for your skin type.
anti aging skin care is achieved not a magic
potion. If your skin remains dry for a significant period of time, wrinkles are likely to appear.
Hey. I was wondering what >.> meant. My friend keeps spamming me but won’t tell me. Help me!!! And thank you for your answer in advance! I appreciate the help!
It means “Wow” or you’re astounded or amazed. In awe. Also, look at it upside down.
Ex. Wow, that was cool .-. how did you do that? .-. did you seriously just say that? .-. Etc, etc. (Et cetera et cetera)
So I was messaging this girl and I rold her she was beautiful and she replied ^//^ I don’t know what it means and I didn’t see it in any other questions… please help. :/
many people in international country use this style
since facebook or other app normally in chat define 🙂 this symbole with default their smiley something like this.
so most people started to use different direction smiley which is (:
this mean the same Happy
it’s a smiley face without a nose. tilt your head sideways to see it.
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LikeDislikewhat does > mean?
More than. It’s a math symbol
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LikeDislikeDoes it make a difference if it is 🙂 vs (: ?
I use 🙂 for happy and 🙁 for sad. Is that wrong?
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LikeDislikeNo not at all
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LikeDislikeUm…. Unless u realize that not all has those emoticons 😛
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LikeDislikeNope not at all so dont worry.
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LikeDislikeNo. It is the same thing. Just in emoji form
It is a smiley face it’s true
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LikeDislike€ is euros. Europeann money.
¥ is a currency sign used by the Japanese yen.
£ is a currency sign used by UK’s
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LikeDislikewhat does this mean :-/
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LikeDislikeI had no idea how to approach this beeofr-now I’m locked and loaded.
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LikeDislikeIt mean a wonkey face :-\ like you don’t know what something means so u pull a confused face
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LikeDislikeThat means like you are not so sure.
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LikeDislikeI guess it means a weird smile
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LikeDislikeIt means that you are confused or not understanding the thing someone is asking you.
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LikeDislikeWhat does :-* mean??
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LikeDislikeThats right Gabby 🙂
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LikeDislikeIt means half happy half sad
(Sentene). I feel :-/ today
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LikeDislikeIt means that you don’t really care
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LikeDislikeWhat does * mean
Was this answer helpful?
LikeDislikeIt means when you say like:
“Oh I’m already her.”
When you meant “Oh I’m already here*.”
You use the * as a misspell checker with the corrected version of the word
Was this answer helpful?
LikeDislike* Can be for spell checking or actions in role playing, like, *she walked over to him and touched his arm* “I know what you mean” *as she reached for the knife and stabbed his back*
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LikeDislikeits explaining a action example *cleans dishes *
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LikeDislike* can means a lot of things. People use it bad language like f*ck or it can mean required, like on a website sign up sheet
WHAT DOES ” /(^.^)/ ” MEAN.
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LikeDislikeThat’s a happy face with it’s arms up in the air
So is this: \(^•^)/
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LikeDislikeno it doesn’t u stupid
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LikeDislikeYou say no it doesn’t, and you call him/her stupid? LOL
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LikeDislikeNO IT DOESNT.
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LikeDislikeIt is a cat face.
Whats the difference between 🙂 and :]
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LikeDislikeNo difference. It’s just different sniley faces, like 🙂
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LikeDislikeYou said sniley face its smiley face
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LikeDislikehe/she might’ve typed to fast lik me kay like me
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LikeDislikeWhat does ; ) mean?
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LikeDislikeWinkie face
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LikeDislike🙂 is a faster way to type a smiley face than
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LikeDislikeOr a wink
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LikeDislikewhat does (“)> mean?
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Was this answer helpful?
LikeDislikeIt’s a penguin.
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LikeDislikeIt is not a duckie stupid
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LikeDislikeits a penguin
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LikeDislikeIt is a penguin head
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Was this answer helpful?
LikeDislikeIt’s a penguin
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LikeDislikeWhat does ∞ mean ?!
It means infinity. Infinite or something like that.
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LikeDislikeOMG!! It means infinity!! DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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LikeDislikeWhat is
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LikeDislike^^ could either be a perky/happy face (also seen as ^_^ or ^.^) or referencing something previously said or above your writing (Example: that post above me^^)
\\\()/// is a face. It coveys shock/surprise.
@@ or more commonly @_@ is also a face. It could mean a lot of things based on context and who’s using it but mostly means something like annoyance, sleepiness, boredom, or confusion.
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LikeDislikeWhat does (/.\) mean
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LikeDislikeIt’s a symbolism of being shy or embarrassed as if that person wants to hide.
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LikeDislikewhat does “∞” mean?!
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LikeDislikeIt means infinite
Or just “infinity”
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LikeDislikeWhat does :/ mean
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LikeDislikeConfused or not interested
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LikeDislikeJust an upset face…not quite sad, like :(, and not mad, but upset or disappointed
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LikeDislikeIt means undecided
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LikeDislikewhat does <..> mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does € mean?
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LikeDislikeI think it a Euro like we have these $
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LikeDislikeWhat does :-! mean??
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LikeDislike:-X ?…
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LikeDislikeThat person has their mouth sealed, as if they don’t want to or can’t (like keeping a secret) talk.
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LikeDislikeZipped mouth 😡
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LikeDislikeWhat does :< mean? The same person sent me both :(( and the :< symbols part of the same sentence… what does :< mean? is it the same as the sad face 🙁
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LikeDislikeThey’re just different forms of sad faces.
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LikeDislikeWhat does :@ mean
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LikeDislikeAngry face.
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LikeDislikewhat does ;$ mean?plz anser i really nead to know.XD
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LikeDislikemoney mouth
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LikeDislikeIt means your blushing
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LikeDislikeURGENT: What does ../ mean???
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LikeDislikeWhat does (?) mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does this mean: 3:) :^
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LikeDislike:3 mean cat
:)is a smile
:^ means a bird.
(Oops 2 years late 🙂 )
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LikeDislikeWhat does : } mean?
Wht does -___- mean
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LikeDislikeMeans ur bored or not interested in the convo
Its a smiley face in texting or email facebook (ect)
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LikeDislikeWhat does -§- mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does this mean exactly:
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LikeDislikeHappy or excited
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LikeDislikeWhat does :* <3 (()) mean?
<3 means a heart
:* is a kiss
I don't know what the third is though, sorry
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LikeDislike:* is a kiss. <3 is a sideways heart meaning love.
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LikeDislike<3 means heart or love and ({}) means vagina
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LikeDislikewhat does >>> and <<< mean?
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LikeDislike>>> Means your looking right, and <<< mean your looking left.
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LikeDislike-_- what does that mean…
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LikeDislikeIt’s a face…it mostly means that they’re annoyed, bored, or tired, depending on the context
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LikeDislikeWhat does =^.^= mean?
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LikeDislikeIt’s a CAT FACE !!!!! ;* <3
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LikeDislikeIt’s a kitty face <3 ;*
Was this answer helpful?
LikeDislikeIt’s a kitty cat 😀
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LikeDislikeWhat does {: mean?
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Was this answer helpful?
LikeDislikeWhat does •◘○ mean?
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LikeDislikeDid you make that up…? I’ve never seen it before…
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LikeDislikeWhat does (/-\) mean?
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LikeDislikeWe said it before. It’s someone that’s hiding, or scared. The slashes (/ and \) are the arms covering up the eyes.
What does (*_*) mean?
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LikeDislikeWhen it seems like you don’t care or your bored
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LikeDislikeWhat does ?=? Mean I don’t get it
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LikeDislikeWhat does ¡ and ¿ mean, please?
They are used when you are reading in Spanish. They mean the same as they would in English, just turned upside down. They are used at the beginning of the word/sentence they are exclaiming or questioning/asking.
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LikeDislikewhat does ^.- mean
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LikeDislikeIt’s a winky face
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LikeDislikew0t does =]()*dine* *dine*
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LikeDislikeBFF stands for Best Friends Forever
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LikeDislikewhat does :)) and BFF mean?
BFF is best friend forever
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LikeDislike@ Joshua, I think the upside down exclamation marks and question marks are just part of some languages. EX) ¿What does this mean?
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LikeDislikewhat does [] mean
What does hiss mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does (??) mean?
what does #%@! mean?
It’s a form of cursing. People use it as though they were “bleeping” out words as on television.
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LikeDislikeIt means fuck
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LikeDislikeWhat does *+* mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does .////. mean
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LikeDislikeIt’s a blushing face.
What does /.\ mean?
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LikeDislikeThe ‘.’ Is a mouth and the ‘/’ and ‘\’ are arms covering it’s eyes. Basically, it represents embarrassment or being bashful.
Was this answer helpful?
LikeDislikeIf you tilt your head to the right 90 degrees, the ‘:’ symbol will becme a pair of eyes and the ‘(‘ will become a mouth. (:
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LikeDislikeWhat does -@- mean?! Seriously?!
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LikeDislikeTell me if I am correct.
1.) (/.\)=shy
2.) :S =scared
3.) .___. =annoyedo= or disappointed
4.)>:p =fun evil
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LikeDislikeAll of those are correct
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LikeDislikeWhat does €€^^ mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does €€^^ mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does ○~* mean?
What does this mean 😛 ?
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LikeDislikeIt a face with a tongue sticking out.
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LikeDislikeWhat does “:((” mean. it doesn’t mean a sad face. I’m seeing them happen a lot in the Bronx area.
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LikeDislikeI’m pretty sure it means really depressed, but not crying, which is not really considered ‘sad’.
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LikeDislikewhat does (.-.) mean
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LikeDislikeIt means frustrated, annoyed, or when you’re like “really?”
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LikeDislikehey what does 8D mean? I keep seeing people use it, but I can never figure it out!
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LikeDislikeIt’s like a happy guy with big eyes. Turn your head 90 degrees to counterclockwise. the 8 becomes the eyes, and the D becomes the smile.
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LikeDislikeWhat does [] mean
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LikeDislikeI would also like to know what ⸮ means?!!
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LikeDislikedoes any one know what 8D means?
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LikeDislikedo you know what 8D means?
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LikeDislikeLook at it sideways. Big eyes/sunglasses and a big smile.
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LikeDislikeWhat does this mean -__-
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LikeDislikeAnnoyed or bored, like -.- or -_- could also mean squinting
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LikeDislikeIt does NOT mean squinting -.-
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LikeDislikeBefore you ask what something means, you should look at it sideways. Like 😀 is smiling with your mouth open, and :l is expressionless/bored. If you look at things with : and a letter/symbol it’s usually a face, and that you should look at it sideways.
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LikeDislikeWhat does “:-P” mean in a text
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LikeDislikeWow I really can’t believe I just read all that….
( )( )
(o .O)
What does ( )( ) (o .O) (“)(“) mean?
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LikeDislikeFirst and last one are controversial. I’m not going to say those. But the middle one is a guy with one large eye, and one small eye.
(O.o) Is used as a form of confusion, or like saying “Woah”
Or you put it all together an it makes a big bunny rabbit with big eyes.
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LikeDislikeWhat does # mean?
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LikeDislikePound sign.
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LikeDislikewe know it’s the pound sign, but what does it mean?
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LikeDislikeTo show numbers, or a hashtag with a word near it, usually found Twitter, seriously, you should know this. It’s like Internet Etiquette.
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LikeDislikeWhat does -.- mean?
What does -_- mean?
TY in advance for your answers
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LikeDislikeCould anyone please answer or direct to me the meaning of this :@ I have seen it but have never really understood what it meant.
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LikeDislikeWhat does :)n mean?
Literally, :)n
With the n and all.
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LikeDislike: )n
All of it together, on a different chat such as whatsapp it’d appear all together without producing the smiley face.
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LikeDislikehey what does *( mean??? and what does <( mean?????????
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LikeDislikeit mean
1. either a sad monster or it’s really nothing!
2. nothing friends maybe mest up!!!!
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LikeDislikehey what does ~.~ mean my friend said it’s a clown plz help
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LikeDislikeIt’s not a clown. It’s just another way to put “-_-“
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LikeDislikeWhat does /.\ mean????
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LikeDislikeHiding your face in embarrassment or shyness.
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do you know what this means “I’ve heard her during early evening ….Uttering a prayer to the wind, caught in the throes of some otherworldly Angelus. Her whispered invocation proffered to our God of death and birth. I’ve sensed her vexation during the early hours of the night …. As the world lies at twilight’s edge, eagerly she looks up at the ashen sky — while the full moon rising like the sun, watches her slowly coming undone.” ?
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LikeDislikeit means a good feeling or happy
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LikeDislikeThis step is followed by a toner that is appropriate for your skin type.
anti aging skin care is achieved not a magic
potion. If your skin remains dry for a significant period of time, wrinkles are likely to appear.
Also visit my webpage does serovital hgh work
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LikeDislikewhat does 😐 mean?
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LikeDislikewhat does 😐 mean?!!!
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LikeDislikeHey. I was wondering what >.> meant. My friend keeps spamming me but won’t tell me. Help me!!! And thank you for your answer in advance! I appreciate the help!
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LikeDislike>.> Means to look away
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LikeDislikeWhat does
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LikeDislikeWhat does ^———-| mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does this mean keep on forgetting ^.^
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LikeDislikeWhat does this mean @—)
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LikeDislikeWhat does <3 mean?
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LikeDislike<3 is a heart
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LikeDislikeWHAT DOES THIS MEAN???? <3 OR <====3?
OR (.Y.)
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LikeDislikeWhat does -,- mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does /:-) mean?
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LikeDislikeHow so you do an infinity sign plz answer I need to know by 7 so plz answer
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LikeDislikeALT + 236 ∞ (Numpad)
wat does (::()::) , o.O @–>–>— , pfft mean ?
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LikeDislikeWhat does
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LikeDislikeEhh does pointer finger up mean happy
what does >.< means ?
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LikeDislikeIdk good question wonder what it means! 😉
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LikeDislikeIt means either being fed up, disgusted, or being sad
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LikeDislikeIt’s like to show when you get hurt (In Roleplay) or annoyed or just astounded at the idiotic answer some person just gave you.
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LikeDislikeWhat does ^ mean?
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LikeDislikeThe thing thats on top!! ^^^
When some one only writes two periods like this what does it mean ..
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LikeDislikeWhat does this .-. Means?
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LikeDislikeIt means “Wow” or you’re astounded or amazed. In awe. Also, look at it upside down.
Ex. Wow, that was cool .-. how did you do that? .-. did you seriously just say that? .-. Etc, etc. (Et cetera et cetera)
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LikeDislikeWhat does this “.-. ” means??
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LikeDislikethis means like you are not so sure
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LikeDislikeHello Maria this means that like the don’t get you!! kk hope I helped!!
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LikeDislikewhat does ≥ mean? is it greater or less
Hello guys can you tell me what ^.^ means? Thanks I really appreciate it!! 😉
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LikeDislikeWHat does “ /-\ “mean? Please help!!
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LikeDislikeIt’s like no one knows!! I was wondering the same thing
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LikeDislikeIt means embarrassed or bashful. It’s like closing your eyes so no one acknowledges you.
What does ._x mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does † or ‡ mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does the /.\ mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does ;-; mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does this mean :-*
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LikeDislikekiss face
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LikeDislikeWhat does /.\ mean?
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LikeDislikeWho doesnt know what it means “smile”
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LikeDislikethis is such a stupid post…but while im here: what does this mean?: ^^^^
read above
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LikeDislikewhat does § mean
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LikeDislikewhat does ?=?” mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does:
Mean? Thank You.
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LikeDislikeRegistered trademark.
Was this answer helpful?
LikeDislikeacctually ® is all rights reserved
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LikeDislikeWhat does the finger point and a ok sign mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does . . . . mean when someone just types the dots. And I don’t mean at the end of a sentence. Just the dots alone. What does that mean?
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LikeDislikeI’m not really sure but it probably means like blushing or something… I’d blush if a guy told me I was beautiful.
So I was messaging this girl and I rold her she was beautiful and she replied ^//^ I don’t know what it means and I didn’t see it in any other questions… please help. :/
What does =% mean
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LikeDislikeWhat is the difference between 🙁 and
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LikeDislikeWhat does :I mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does this mean?? /.\
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LikeDislikeWhat does ☯ mean
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LikeDislikeyingyang-buddhism symbol- I think
its a smiley face (: tilt your head, and you can see a smile and eyes.
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LikeDislikeIt Means its a smile face which is that ur happy or excited
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LikeDislikeWhat does “nude” mean????
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LikeDislikeit means your not wearin nothing
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LikeDislikeWhat does ^-^ mean?
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LikeDislikehappy exited thats what it means and flirty
What does ))(( mean??
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LikeDislikeWhat does /.\ mean
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LikeDislikeWhat exactly does ;-; mean?
Is it like a sad face or a cry face or something else?
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LikeDislikewhat does
-.- mean
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LikeDislikeit means bored to death -.-
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LikeDislikeohh ok now I see it thanks lol
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LikeDislikeWhat does <:/ mean
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LikeDislikewhat does /.\ mean?
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LikeDislikeshy—- hiding—– never want to be seen ever again
What does /,\ mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does ^ mean and what does ^^^ mean
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This is a bunny covering its mouth
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LikeDislikeWhy are you all scrolling down to the bottom anyway? half of your answers are already written at the TOP!
;-; is a person putting his hands on his face. like, his cheeks.
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LikeDislikeWhat does ~ mean??
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LikeDislikewhat does (.)(.) mean
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LikeDislikeIt is a women’s breast which is very innapropriate
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LikeDislikeWhat does ===3 mean?? im so confused..
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LikeDislikeThis is YODA
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LikeDislikeWhat does >///< mean
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LikeDislikewhat does ₩ mean? or is it just a W with lines slashed across it??
What does ¶ mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does this (¿)symbol represent?
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LikeDislikeWhaT does -.- mean
Please tell me!!
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LikeDislikeIt’s just like a sarcastic or a look Egan someone is being surplus
Stupid and instead of saying really or seriously, you just put -.-
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LikeDislikeWhat does✊ mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does 8===D mean?.
I am surprised… it is a blues private party.
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LikeDislikewhat does ;-; mean.?
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LikeDislikeWhat does <# mean?
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LikeDislikeat does ¤ mean?
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LikeDislikewhat does ;-; mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does ^ , ^^ , or ^^^ etc. mean on instagram?
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LikeDislikeWhat does ^ , ^^ , or ^^^ etc. mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does ^ mean?
What does =-o mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat surprised of shocked
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LikeDislikeWhat does ;~; mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat is ;~;
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LikeDislikeWhen someone writes ; On their arm or on paper what does it mean? I’m seeing it a lot in pictures that people took of that symbol on their arm…
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LikeDislikeWhat does :(()) mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does
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LikeDislikeWhat does -.-mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does 8==D~~~ mean? Or ( . Y . ) ?
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LikeDislike8=(,,,,)==D ~~~ o:<
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Was this answer helpful?
LikeDislikeThat means a smiley face. There are many which include: 🙂 🙁 ;( 😉 😀 : P ;D ;P :B and many more including emojis like
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LikeDislikeWhat does /.\ mean
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LikeDislikewhat does 3-| mean
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LikeDislikeWhat the hell does ;-; mean. I do not get it.
what does “(:+) i mean
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LikeDislikewhat does >\\< mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does © mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does this ( ; ) means and when we use it in a text ?
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LikeDislikeWhat does ☺️mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does ;-; please, really need to know…
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LikeDislikewhat does ” and ‘ mean?
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LikeDislikeWhat does ! ( Mean ?
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LikeDislikeHello. What does § mean
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LikeDislikeWhat does :))* mean
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t does it mean ^^(:
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LikeDislikei litterally searched something for my history project and i wasted over 15 minutes of my life learning about what symbols and faces meant.. :/ (/-\)
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LikeDislike(: it means”Happy”
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LikeDislikemany people in international country use this style
since facebook or other app normally in chat define 🙂 this symbole with default their smiley something like this.
so most people started to use different direction smiley which is (:
this mean the same Happy
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